Friday, December 11, 2009

Glidetrack Camera Dolly

Sony HVR-A1U mounted on Glidetrack.

I just got my newest toy that came directly from Scotland. It is a Glidetrack Camera Dolly. For some time I wanted to buy some type of camera dolly, but the price or size of the equipment has never corresponded with what I was looking for. I even thought make a D.I.Y. Dolly , however, I dropped the idea after I found this model above. This is the model "SD" 1 meter long. It's enough to make a "dolly movement" up to 10 seconds.

I was very pleased with the quick delivery time. I made the purchase by the Internet on 7 December 2009 at 23:27 and on 11 December at 11:00 it was already in my house in Japan. I had not time yet to test, but as soon as possible I will post a video with images using this little dolly.

Packed in bubble wrap
All the pieces

Fedex tracking system

Friday, August 21, 2009

Kariya City Fireworks / 刈谷市花火

Japan Kariya-city Fireworks from Helio Yoshida on Vimeo.
I recorded and edit a video with images of the Kariya City fireworks festival, held in August 15 2009. I recorded this video with a Sony HVR-A1U 1/3" chip with 0.5 wide lens.

This year 7,000 fireworks was fired up along the banks of Aizuma River in 90 minutes. I shoot the video from Kariya General Athletic Park. Just few minutes from my apartment.

Shoot and edit by Helio Yoshida
Music credit: Séraphine by Xcyril

View Kariya General Athletic Park in a larger map

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

World Cosplay Summit

TV Globo Roberto Kovalick reporter and Helio Yoshida as camera man, reports from Nagoya/Japan about The "World Cosplay Summit 2009".

The "World Cosplay Summit" was created to promote international exchange through the Japanese youth culture of manga and anime.
The free and dynamic nature of manga was instrumental in the birth of cosplay. Nowadays youth from around the world find this as a common language and a dynamic new form of global interaction. The World Cosplay Summit began in Osu, Nagoya and has grown to include 15 countries from around the world. If you count audience and participants at each preliminary event, the number of people involved is now in the 100s of thousands.
For youth who have discovered Japan through manga and experienced Japanese culture through the medium of the World Cosplay Summit, we endeavor to continue the development of this new form of international exchange.

What is the WCS?

The WCS is a cosplay event sponsored by TV Aichi. It stands for the World Cosplay Summit.

What is the World Cosplay Championship?

The World Cosplay championship begun in 2005 and is designed to determine a Grand Champion through stage performances by representative teams from each participating country. The championship is graded on the finish of the costume design and the teams performance on stage. Grand Champions from previous years are as follows:
2005: Italy
2006: Brazil
2007: France
2008: Brazil
2009: Japan

Monday, April 06, 2009

Japanese man survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.

This week i and TV reporter Roberto Kovalick flew to Nagasaki city in Japan to make a report about Mr. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, a Japanese man, who is one of the few people who survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings.

Yamaguchi, an engineer in Hiroshima on a business trip for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on August 6, 1945 was just stepping off a tram when the atomic bomb Little Boy was dropped over the city just 3 kilometers away. The resulting explosion destroyed his eardrums, blinded him temporarily, and left him with serious burns over the left side of the top half of his body. He was wrapped in bandages for his skin wounds, and he went completely bald. Like many of the survivors of the atomic explosions, Yamaguchi suffered agony for much of his life. His wife was also poisoned by black rain. Yamaguchi spent a fitful night in an air raid shelter before returning to his hometown of Nagasaki the following day. Yamaguchi was once again 3 kilometers away explaining to his supervisor how close he came to death just a few days before when the second bomb, Fat Man, was dropped.

"It was my destiny that I experienced this twice and I am still alive to convey what happened. I can't understand why the world cannot understand the agony of the nuclear bombs. How can they keep developing these weapons?"
- Tsutomu Yamaguchi -

This report was transmitted in Brazil by the TV show called Fantastico.

From left to rigth: Helio Yoshida, Tsutomu Yamaguchi and Roberto Kovalick.


January 06, 2010 - BBC NEWS

Atom bomb survivor dies, aged 93

The only person officially recognised as having survived both atomic bombings in Japan at the end of World War II has died from stomach cancer, aged 93.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a business trip on 6 August 1945 when a US plane dropped the first atomic bomb.
He suffered serious burns and spent a night there before returning to his home city of Nagasaki just before it was bombed on 9 August.
He said he hoped his experience held a lesson of peace for future generations.

It was already recorded that Mr Yamaguchi had survived the Nagasaki bomb, but in March last year officials recognised he had been in Hiroshima as well.

'Precious storyteller'

A handful or Japanese people are known to have lived through both attacks, but Mr Yamaguchi is the only one formally recognised by the Japanese government to have done so.

Certification as a hibakusha or radiation survivor qualifies Japanese citizens for government compensation, including medical check-ups, and funeral costs.
On learning of his official recognition last year, Mr Yamaguchi said: "My double radiation exposure is now an official government record.
"It can tell the younger generation the horrifying history of the atomic bombings even after I die."
In his later years, Mr Yamaguchi gave talks about his experiences as an atomic bomb survivor and emphasised his hope nuclear weapons would be abolished.
About 140,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and 70,000 in Nagasaki.
Survivors fell sick with radiation-related illnesses, including cancers, for years after the bombings.
The Mainichi newspaper reported that last month Mr Yamaguchi was visited in hospital by James Cameron, the director of Titanic and Avatar, who is apparently considering making a film about the bombings.
Commenting on Mr Yamaguchi's death, the mayor of Nagasaki said on the city's website that "a precious storyteller has been lost".

Rest in peace, Mr. Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Helio Yoshida

Friday, March 06, 2009

One day in Nagoya

One day in Nagoya from Helio Yoshida on Vimeo.
This is just a quick film I shot today. I spent one day walking around the city where i live - Nagoya city / Japan. I shot and edit everything in the same day.

Shot with the Sony HVR-A1U 1/3" chip. Wide angle lens (0.5) Raynox HD-5050 Pro.
I did nothing to color correct the footage in post.

Format: Quicktime 720p HD

Shot and Edited by:
Helio Yoshida

Music Credit:
Grand Romance - Lhommet

Friday, February 20, 2009

Helio Yoshida
The term videographer typically refers to an individual who records videos on a professional basis, whether for film, TV or now Internet broadcasting.
In my case, as a self-employed videographer, i work in smaller productions, such independent documentaries, weddings, commercials, and corporate events. Almost the times, i like to work alone or with a sound assistent or TV reporter.

In today’s job market, a videographer is expected to possess a wide range of technical skills. I need to operate responsibilities that include shooting, editing, lighting, and sound.

What i always wanted to be is a storyteller that use images and audio in sequence.

Monday, February 02, 2009

ON Television - Fantástico - Brazil TV Show

This weekend, some images that i had shot was part of a report about economic crise that brazilian-japanese living in Japan are suffering about the job losses.

The TV show called Fantástico, is the television show that have the largest audience in Brazil on sunday night.

Today, live in Japan about 300,000 brazilian japanese descendants. They are sons and grandsons of japanese who emigrated to Brazil 100 years ago.